Center for Translation Studies Gift Fund
Your gift to the Center for Translation Studies Gift Fund will allow the Center to fulfill its essential missions — to provide support for students and to promote the visibility of the literary translator through translation workshops, world literature courses, scholarly publications, conferences and symposia.
The Fund also seeks to support community-based endeavors to increase the Center’s visibility and expand the field of Translation Studies into wider consciousness.
The Center for Translation Studies Gift Fund relies on the generous donations of UT Dallas alumni and Center patrons to create these opportunities and strives to give back to the community that enthusiastically supports us. Please consider making a contribution to the fund online.
The Center for Translation Studies welcomes contributions of all sizes and in several forms, including cash, appreciated securities, credit card, payroll deduction and in-kind gifts.
Please choose from the options on this page or contact Holly Hull Miori, PhD ‘21, CFRE, at hmiori@utdallas.edu or 972-883-4119 for more information or to further discuss opportunities for supporting the Center’s work.
Gifts to the Center for Translation Studies are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Make a Gift Online
Please visit the online giving page.
Make a Gift by Mail
Please send a check payable to UT Dallas to:
The Center for Translation Studies
The University of Texas at Dallas
800 W. Campbell Rd., JO 31
Richardson, TX 75080
Make a Gift by Phone
Please call Holly Hull Miori at 972-883-4119 to make a gift over the phone via credit card.
Matching Gifts
Leverage the impact of your support through your company’s matching gift program. Read more about matching gifts.
Giving Societies
UT Dallas has created recognition societies to celebrate and thank loyal supporters. Donors to the Center for Translation Studies are eligible for membership. A gift at any level makes a difference. Read more about giving societies.
Planned Gifts
Consider including a bequest to the Center for Translation Studies in your will or trust, retaining control of your assets during your lifetime. Or, take advantage of appreciated securities without incurring capital gains tax.
Success Stories

“I decided to pursue my PhD at The University of Texas at Dallas specifically because of the Center for Translation Studies. Through the Center, I studied under leading literary translators and expert scholars of Latin American literature. The faculty and staff provided me with tremendous support as I worked toward my degree. In fact, I would not have earned my PhD were it not for the Center for Translation Studies.”
Joseph Brockway, alumnus

“I’m a fellow of the Center for Translation Studies because, as an academic institute, it focuses as much on practice as theory. This focus allows practicing translators not only a voice in the study of translation as an art and craft of human interaction, but also a place to confer and advocate for their collective interests and the general interest in their continued economic survival and flourishing. In a world built around the vagaries of commerce, the Center positions translation as vital, viable and ultimately indispensable — no small feat for a profession historically left in the shadows but hardly ever to its own devices.”
Joshua Laskey, student