Translation Studies Courses
(text with tooltip) The <em>Tower of Babel</em>, painted by Pieter Brueghel the Elder in 1563, is one of the most famous depictions of what is often considered the origin myth of humanity's cultural and linguistic diversity. But the biblical story can also be interpreted as establishing the necessity of translation as an essential means of facilitating intercultural communication.The emphasis of the Translation Studies Program is on the art and craft of translation. Students participate in Translation Workshops in which they develop the skills translators use by working through their own translation projects. The workshops are accompanied by seminars on the craft and theory of literary and humanistic translations. Students are encouraged to apply the concepts of the art and practice of translation to the reading and interpretation of verbal, visual and musical texts.
More information about Translation Studies courses can be found in the UT Dallas Course Catalog under the graduate literature courses section (see LIT 6319; LIT 6326; LIT 6393; and LIT 7322) and the undergraduate creative writing section (see CRWT 3330).